The Social Welfare Bureau Strengthens Foreign Language Support in Anti-Drug Abuse Work May 16, 2018
Release time:2018-05-16 16:59
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The Department of Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling and Drug Dependence under the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) provides Chinese and English substance abuse prevention programme for students from kindergarten 3 to Year 6 in Macao. The programme meets the needs of students’ development, teaches them to stay away from drugs and enhances their anti-drug awareness and ability against drugs.

The Healthy Life Education Programme implemented by the Social Welfare Bureau of the Macao SAR Government is an internationally recognized health awareness and drug prevention programme for students to be more aware of the benefits of a healthy life style and dangers of drug abuse, and prevent them from addiction to drugs. Each year, approximately 20,000 students from various schools in Macao take part in the Chinese substance abuse prevention programme. From March to May each year, approximately 3,500 students from 11 English and Portuguese schools that are taught in English join in the programme. The programme enhances the anti-drug awareness and ability against drugs of the local and foreign students in Macao.

Since the drug abuse has become hidden, the role of the parents has become particularly important. Family can help to put the concept of “Promise to fight against drug abuse starting from home” into practice, and help to prevent children from addiction to drugs and help them lead a healthy life. For this reason, IAS has published two illustrated Harold books, “Fu Ha Fu Ha” and “High Heel Shoes and Green Mushrooms”, both available in Chinese, Portuguese and English. Parents are welcome to visit the Healthy Life Education website( read online or download the illustrated Harold books. Parents can share and pass the messages of healthy life with their children and educate them to stay away from drugs. 
